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signs an aries man likes you

15 Clear Signs an Aries man likes you

Aries men are usually introverted, not making their feelings known to members of the opposite sex. They could really be into you but can’t find enough words to express themselves. He exhibits pride and certain arrogance in the sense that he may be into you but his reserved nature wants to ensure that you also share that same interest with him.

He only starts to exhibit who he actually is when he feels that the interest is symbiotic to the relationship. This article intends to share how an Aries man could like you and still conceal his fondness for you discreetly.

  1. Engrossed with you

An Aries man fond of you will always exhibit impeccable manners. He is there to show and prove his love for you even to the extent of buying for you expensive gifts and showering you with loads of attention which he believes outweighs any spoken words.

  1. He could behave awkwardly

Being around ladies they are really fond of, he fails trying to look like comported but he can’t help it because you are not just one of the number; you probably increase his heart rate whenever he is around you. Not to be alarmed, he will come around pretty soon.

signs an aries man likes you

  1. Questions, Questions, Questions

When he is fascinated by you, he tends to like to know more about who you really are and being someone who is quick to notice even the minutest features about you; even those you as an individual may not have noticed about yourself.

  1. Introduces you to his Friends

His amazing attribute to be the life wire of most occasions affords him the opportunity to be in most social gatherings. This gives him the avenue to flaunt you as to his friends if he acknowledges that you complete him.

  1. Frequent Calls and Texts

He always wants to know how you are faring; the frequency may well be within manageable range but since he would love to hear from you regularly, an Aries man would make sure you are involved in his activities.

  1. You are firmly in his plans

Being a socially confident individual, he draws out activities to ensure you are always with him not only to have fun but to have a better understanding of what you are about. These activities may usually start as group events but may progress to personal dates as he warms himself to you.

  1. Knows what he wants and goes for it

Not someone who is quiet about his plans especially when he believes you are into him, an Aries man approaches the matter at hand by being open and engaging so that any doubt you have about his intentions are cleared. He might not be subtle about it; he is just trying to make his feelings known without being abrupt.

Signs of Jealousy

  1. He pushes you

Wired in his DNA is that willingness to take risks and go against the grain. It is an attribute he also wants you to display when you are with him. He obviously would push you to aim higher and be more engaging in whatever you set your mind on as this will give him great joy that someone he has feelings for can push herself beyond certain limits.

  1. The Vibes Around You

Being self-assured and demanding, an Aries man, when he is fond of a lady, expects the feeling to be mutual. He loves to be in a symbiotic relationship where there is reciprocity in feelings. Though he may be egotistical, he also has a soft spot for you and will be willing to sacrifice his time and resources for you to make you look and feel special.

  1. He is Demonstrative

Public display of affection is one way he shows he is really fond of you. So don’t be surprised that on dates, he would want to snuggle up to you and would want the world to know how special you are to him because he finds you irresistible and may sometimes go overboard in his display of affection.

  1. Good Sense of Humor

He probably may not make it as a career stand-up comedian, but you can be rest assured that you will find his jokes funny and laugh to them. He really expects you to find his jokes funny and will not want to make a fool of himself but from time to time will crack you up with some words of humour. With an Aries man, the fun and excitement never really stops.

  1. Wants to know your Friends

Since he wants to know everything about you, don’t be surprised that is interested in knowing more about those who you frequently hang out with. He probably knows the adage ‘Birds of a feather flock together’. Please don’t panic, no friends should be excluded here, no matter how queer because he may also have friends who are also odd because you can’t find him associating with tedious people.

  1. Will woo you always

If you want to know if an Aries man is into you – give him the chance to woo you. He will raise his game just to show how fond he is of you and will love the feeling of sudden and spontaneous surprise it will elicit from you.

  1. He hides nothing from you

With the Aries man, there are no secrets with him if he really takes a liking to you. He is willing to share his innermost thoughts and passions because he feels he can trust you and he expects to share a glorious future with you.

 In Conclusion

The traits of an Aries man include being creative, fiery and independent. He wants to be in charge and ready to go for what he wants. Your role is to position yourself and lead him on. Please do not show too much desire or you will come off as being not worthy of his pursuit.

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